Friday, October 26, 2007

Some of the A-team at Careggi

The nurse in the foreground delivered Eva, along with about 12 or so doctors and nurses assisting....Very kind and good people, who help Christi tremendously...


Unknown said...

Thank you, Italian angels, for helping deliver this new daughter of God. We'll pray for both of your intentions in Thanksgiving. :)

Unknown said...


Congratulations to you and your husband on the birth of your beautiful daughter! She is adorable with those enormous pink footies--I love it! You also look amazing--I don't think I've ever seen a picture of a woman who just gave birth looking so radiant! I hope I get a chance to see you and meet your husband and baby this fall/winter when I get to Michigan to visit my family.


Unknown said...

Sorry, I should have left my whole name in case you have other Karens in your life. That last message was from me, Karen Cunningham. :)

Karen Cunningham

Judy Regitz said...

Oh Christi!

We are all praying for your family here in the States! The birth of Eva brings back many memories of Joey's "preemie" birth 27 years ago! Every day will bring new adventures for you all. She is beautiful and we're so happy that she is surrounded by earthly and heavenly angels to care for her! Thanks for including us by creating a site. God keep you all in His care..Aunt Judy, Uncle Joe, Joey and Cole