Monday, March 18, 2013

Homecoming in sight

Xavi has been making great progress. He's up to 5 1/2 pounds, so he's gaining weight well, and he's been keeping his body temperature stable for some time now. Those are two of the major requirements for being able to come home.

The other challenges--taking all of his feedings by mouth and oxygen level--we'll be seeing about in the next couple of weeks. He's doing great both bottle feeding and breast feeding, but he's not yet able to take a feeding by mouth at every feeding (which come every 3 hours). He's steadily building up his endurance to do that, though, so I'm sure we'll see good progress on that front this week.

The other main question is what his oxygen requirements will be. It looks very likely that he'll still require oxygen support when he comes home. They will be trying out some new things this week to see how he will do on a low-flow cannula with 100% oxygen (currently he's on a high-flow cannula with a much lower concentration of oxygen).

We're just about 3 weeks from his due date, and it looks like he'll be home by April 9 if not before.The end is in sight!


Betsy said...

Praise God! I'm blown away by how healthy he's been since birth. God is good. We will continue to pray, esp for his breathing and eating. God bless you all!

Christi said...

thank you mom! love Xavi