Every day she's doing more of both--sleeping and moving. Last night she only woke up once to eat--almost a record!--and every day she's more active too. She loves to stand up, and she is so strong that she can stand up straight, balanced on my legs, with me just holding her hands. Her neck is strong enough that she can hold up her head and look around for long periods of time. She's talking more and more too. She's discovered that she has volume--she can whisper or shout--and she and I just had our first real conversation just a couple of days ago. Her eyes lit up as we were repeating sounds back and forth to each other and I could tell that she knew we were talking--knew we were taking turns saying things to each other.
New wonders every day...
She still has such adorable chipmunk cheeks! How can you stop smooching them?! We miss you guys!
It's crazy how much she's grown and how quickly she is progressing through these early stages. Can't wait to meet her!
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