Saturday, December 22, 2007

65 grams!!

Eva blew past the 4 lb. mark two days ago with a 65 gram increase in one day..we were so proud, though slightly expecting something of the sort. She is called by the nurses 'Mangione', meaning a big eater.(could also translate into glutton) Notice how alert she seems in the pic...we have been told she may not really wake up til her original due date..but we catch her for a few minutes wide awake and alert every day.

On a slightly disappointing note, Eva will most likely be at the hospital over Christmas, as she has a follow up eye exam on the 27th...either way we are ready for her having unpacked all her belongings, set up a crib, and tending to all the little things little people need.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Impending homecoming..

So here we are all up to date....Eva weighs as of yesterday 1740 kilos = 3.77 lbs. She would also be at 35 weeks should she still be in the womb. Not bad at all. She needs to reach 1.9 or 2 kilos to go home, have solid feeding habits, and be all around in great shape. Her feeding tube has been removed. She had a blood transfusion, which was scary, but routine and a good sign still. On any given day she will gain 50 grams. All of this to say we seem to be in line for a possible homecoming on Christmas Eve...


Christmas wear...

More Festive pics..


Our first bath....

Things are moving fast now...We were asked to help out for the first time in administering a bath...Christi should be writing this note, as she in fact was the one, and is was very precious. Eva loves baths and who wouldn't, especially when it's followed with a head to toe lavender oil massage.This is highly recommended after a particularly tiring day...Hmm...another way we are called to be like children?

This of course lead to her falling asleep on Christi's shoulder, and not having the strength to nurse...Yes I said 'nurse'! I didn't quite mean to slip it in under the radar, though a pic would have to be a savvy one and has yet to be taken. Christi has begun nursing, though it is quite difficult for Eva as she is so little, and the opportunity is only once a day out of 8 feedings. We'll get there. Especially as Eva is quite rigorous about it.


Monkey di Natale!!

We were quite startled to find what seemed a festive Christmas monkey in place of Eva....Having had the feeding tube and the tape moustache removed was visually quite jolting. It really is like seeing someone who has freshly shaved their moustache. Thank you for the fabulous outfit as well(you know who you are), as she was the envy of the ward...


I have to say this is one of my favorites thus far...She was wide awake and peacefully taking in Christi, myself and her bed. This also one of the last days with the feeding tube...

2nd Bottle!!

The bigger deal of course was the first bottle, which neither myself or the camera were present for....So here is the 2nd...


Pretty in pink

She seems to be lightening up a bit, starting with the eyebrows, which are now blonde. Her eyes are still very much a mystery..

The 'Fencing' position..

Apparently the 'Fencing postion' is what babies strike often while resting..I'm sure this may be familiar to many of you. It seems a bit more Flamenco to me.


Family time..

This is what our daily routine looks like....

The bed and Holy card..

This is Eva's new bed. Notice the little nameplate which reads, 'Mi chiamo Eva'...Also notice the holy card sent to us by my niece Madeline...This significance of this particular card is great. If you see her, please do ask her about it as it is a wonderful story....or ask her Mother Miriam, Aunt Rebecca, or Grandma Mangan.


enjoying the 28th..

Tai Chi

Free at last and upgraded to a big girl bed, Eva was quick to show us some of her moves. While not really knowing much of anything about Tai Chi, the fluid movement and distinct patterns she moves her limbs reminds me of what I think it may be...limb movement is indeed a form of exercise for babies and premies.


Some last views from the incubator...

A curious look out and a tremendous yawn were indicative of her leaving her plastic home...

Greetings earthlings...

still growing...

November 25th...

Not much to say....just trying to catch up and show what we've been enjoying!

November21st....more marsupial

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Technical Difficulty..

I have finally found the time and sat down again to share our little girl with you all, but the internet is not cooperating....I cannot upload anything at the moment...

I'll try again tomorrow(I promise), as it is time to head out to the hospital and see my girl....

Let's begin again...welcome!

It's been a while now since we have had a chat. I'm not so sure where to even begin, but to flood the blog with pics of our beautiful and healthy little girl...I

These couple pics are some of the last from the Intensive Unit where Marsupial therapy was a little more necessary and common. Let's begin..