Anastasia Lucy Mangan was born at 10:31 p.m. on Friday, November 12. She weighed in at a whopping 5 lb, 5 oz and was 19 inches long. She made it 6 weeks longer than Camilla, being born just 1 1/2 hrs. shy of 34 weeks.
Since she was doing so well, I actually got to hold her for a few minutes after she was born before they took her to the NICU--a first for us!
Anastasia somehow managed to fold herself in half in her last days in the womb, so she was born with both of her feet tucked up around her ears. Her legs have gradually relaxed, but see how her foot is in this early picture...
Eva the ladybug and Camilla the butterfly had fun with their friend Lydian. At least, they had fun with Lydian and the pumpkins and eating some candy. The big kid costumes and face painting that they saw were a little too scary!
Charlie and Claire took Eva to a pumpkin patch on Sunday afternoon. Bill and Charlie carved these.