Saturday, May 30, 2009

Camilla Magdalena Mangan

Welcome Camilla!

Camilla surprised us with her arrival at 2:06 a.m., Tuesday, May 26. As we type this, she is well. She joins us as a sheer colossus in comparison to Eva at a staggering 2 lbs 14 oz. Wow! Though she is also about 5 days older in comparison to when Eva was born..

Camilla's arrival was being watched for considering Eva, and found Christi on modified bedrest for the previous month as a preventative measure. This may have prevented her from giving birth sooner, though we're speculating at best. She arrived with speed. With Eva we were able to contain her for 48 hours allowing shots of betamethazone(a steroid that helps the lungs produce serfactant which is a lubricant that allows the lungs to open and close). Camilla received 1 shot and showed up about 5 hours later. She was placed on and continues to be assisted(though very little as of today) by a CPAP machine. CPAP is NOT intubation, and simply helps breathing by adding a little more pressure as needed as well as the saturation of her air. We breathe 21 % oxygen and she has been receiving anywhere form 21 - 35 % saturation.(This could be an incorrect description)

Upon seeing her I was amazed at her size in relation to Eva, as she is a full inch and 12 oz. larger. This is significant as she is strong and very much a fighter. (Christi knows this from her relentless kicking in the womb) She has some hurdles of course as anyone born at this time should, though she is progressing rapidly.

Thank you Dr. Fleming, Dr. Weiner, Dr. Kennedy, Dr. Judge and all the nurses and respiratory therapists(too many to remember all the names of at the moment) and everyone on staff at St. Joseph Mercy hospital who have eased our stay and provided remarkable care for Camilla. As well as to everyone else for continued support through prayers and all the intangibles and ways people have made this intense week easier and joyful.
